
How Scapix compares to existing solutions, like SWIG and Djinni?

Scapix enables seamless cross-language development. You can be in Xcode, edit C++ code, press Build, then call new C++ code from Objective C or Swift. Press Run to debug the whole thing. Rinse and repeat. It’s like using a single language: continuously develop your project, repeatedly changing API between C++ and the platform language, completely oblivious to the fact that your project uses two different languages.

Similarly, you (or someone else working on the same project) can be in Android Studio, edit C++ code, press Build, then call new C++ code from Java. Press Run to debug the whole thing. You get the idea…

No interface files to manually update with every change, like with SWIG and Djinni.

Imagine a team working on a cross-platform application: most developers work on cross-platform C++ part, which comprises 90% of the application code (model state, algorithms, persistence, network communication, business logic, etc.) using the rich C/C++ cross-platform libraries ecosystem. Additionally, perhaps just a single developer works on each UI version: one for iOS using Swift, one for Android using Java, one for Web using JavaScript, etc. The whole team can work seamlessly on the same code, because Scapix takes care of cross-language bindings completely automatically.